7.3.23 Stock Per Location report
The Stock Per Location report provides a list of the available stock for each location and stock type (that is, devices not currently issued and not currently assigned to a stock transfer), along with the stock limits set up.
This report is available in the Reports category. Search criteria
You can use the following search criteria:
Field |
Description |
Location Name |
Type the location for the available stock. You can use wildcards. |
Stock Code |
Type the stock code for the devices. You can use wildcards. | Report fields
The report contains the following fields:
Field |
Description |
Location Name |
The location specified for the stock limit. |
Stock Code |
The stock code specified for the stock limit. |
Unallocated Devices |
The number of unallocated devices; that is, devices not currently issued and not currently assigned to a stock transfer. |
Minimum Quantity |
The minimum number of devices with the specified stock code at the specified location. |
Reorder Quantity |
The number of devices to reorder when the available stock drops below the minimum quantity. | Running the report through the API
The Stock Per Location report has the report ID 290010, and has the following search parameters:
Parameter |
Field |
locationName |
Location |
stockCode |
Stock Code |
See section 7.2.2, Running reports through the MyID Core API for more details of running reports through the MyID Core API. Further information
See section 10.5, Checking stock limits for more information.